Thursday 27 August 2015

Burn Tattoos

News Article:

"A 'dangerous behaviour' is picking up traction on social media, prompting the Skin Cancer Foundation to issue a warning about it this week.

People are intentionally sunburning their skin for what they consider to be 'art'. They then tag the photos with hashtags like #sunburnart, #tantattoo or #suntattoo on social media.

While the practice has been going on for years, 'its recent gain in popularity among young people' has led to the Skin Cancer Foundation releasing the following statement on Thursday:

“The Skin Cancer Foundation strongly advises the public to avoid sunburns at all costs. A sunburn is not only painful – it’s dangerous, and comes with consequences. Sunburns cause DNA damage to the skin, accelerate skin aging, and increase your lifetime skin cancer risk. In fact, sustaining five or more sunburns in youth increases lifetime melanoma risk by 80 per cent. On average, a person’s risk for melanoma doubles if he or she has had more than five sunburns.

The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends adopting a complete sun protection regimen that includes seeking shade, covering up with clothing, including a broad-brimmed hat and UV blocking sunglasses, in addition to daily sunscreen use.”

The Canadian Dermatology Association recommends people use a sunblock with an SPF 30 or higher. It should also come with broad spectrum protection – this protects you from UVA and UVB rays, both of which can contribute to skin cancer and skin damage.

Dr. Thomas Rohrer, a dermatologist based in Massachusetts, told CBS News that those who are interested in sunburn art can achieve the effect with a spray tan or self-tanning cream.

“There is no reason to significantly increase your risk for a life threatening skin cancer by intentionally tanning or burning your skin in the sun or tanning booth.”"



"Thomas Mailaender applied to the skin of models 23 original negatives selected from the Archive of Modern Conflict’s collection before projecting a powerful UV lamp over them, thus revealing a fleeting image on the skin’s surface. Maileander then photographed each of his models before the sun made the image disappear."

Friday 14 August 2015

What we need for Formative Assessment next week:

  • Chosen Topic - Specific Subject - Position You Are Taking
  • Research Completed (Artist references, inspiring images, background research into topic etc)
  • Test Work Completed + Any Output Ideas (Stop-motion etc)
  • Ideas for where the work will go
  • Any technical skills you need to learn to make the ideas work?

Week 5 Photoshop Exercises

Original Image.

Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool and the Add To Selection Tool.

Using a combination of the Magic Wand Tool and the Lasso Tool to create a Layer Mask.
Placing the masked image into another image.
Duplicating the masked image and gradually changing the opacity of the duplicates to create a movement effect.

Original Image.

Using Colour Range can help start your selection.
Feathering your selection makes the edge more or less sharp.
Using the Layer Mask, you can change the Hue/Saturation of specific areas.
While your background layer is selected, chose a colour from the colours panel and press Alt+Del to flood that layer with your selected colour.

Original Image.

Original Image.

Original Image.

Collage in the style of Hannah Hoch and Jeese Treece.

Original Image.

Original Image.

Collage in the style of Jesse Treece.

Digital Darkroom Theory: Book Research

Secrets of the Digital Darkroom, 2003, Peter Cope.