Friday 7 August 2015

Looking at More 2-Hour Loan Books from Library

Book 1:
Larsen, J. & Sandbye, M. (2013). Digital snaps: The new face of photography. I.B. Tauris, London. 

"When, as a college freshman, I had first watched a piece of exposed paper in a chemical bath mysteriously turn into a photograph, the encounter seemed magical, a kind of alchemy. Now, in the nascent digital era, the photograph was already extant and the magic was in modifying it. No longer was it the slow emergence of the 'trace' or 'footprint' that was 'directly stencilled off the real' which was captivating, but the manipulation of the images themselves."

"Increasingly, much of the photographic process will occur after the shutter is released. The photograph becomes the initial research, an image draft, as vulnerable to modification as it has always been to recontextualisation."

- From the essay 'Of Pixels and Paradox' by Paul Virilio

Book 2:
Ritchin, Fred. (2009). After Photography. W.W. Norton, New York.

"The four social uses of camera phones are: to preserve memories, to sustain relationships, for self-presentation and for self expression."

- From the essay 'Overlooking, Rarely Looking and Not Looking' by Martin Lister

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