Friday 18 September 2015

Week 8 Gallery Visit

This was an installation by the same artist whose work we used in our Premiere Pro exercise. She stitched onto physical photographs and then rephotographed the image as she un-picked the stitches one-by-one. When creating the stop motion she reversed the order that she took the photos in so that it looks like the image is being stitched onto/being built up as you watch the projection.

I really like how she has projected, not just onto a plain wall, but actually onto something that helps add meaning and another dimension to her work.

I loved the simplicity of this work. The extreme close up allows the viewer a detailed, intimate view of something that most people will never get to see. The large scale of the projection also helps achieve that. The curious, innocent, and gentle way the owl moved helped the piece feel peaceful and enhanced the intimacy.

It was interesting to see how this artist had put tape on the lens of the projector to get rid of any overflow of light  on the wall that the image was being projected onto.

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