Wednesday 7 October 2015

Artists From Feedback

Elad Lassry

"Recently his work has moved towards abstract sculpture utilising projected video installation and live performance while still investigating the photograph."

" Lassry often displays his photographs beside 16mm film projections, provoking tension between the stillness within the moving image and the temporality of the static image."

"In his both visually seductive and irritating photographic and filmic works, Elad Lassry, who was born in Tel Aviv in 1977 and lives and works in Los Angeles, explores canonical ideas about the use of images as influenced by various technologies and the history of the media."

- I really like how his work incorporates both projection and printed images.

Jacqueline Fraser

Series - The Making of American Gangster 2012

- I find the plastic she puts over her work very interesting, especially when the light shines on it.

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