Friday 9 October 2015

Photographing In The Studio

How I set up the studio for each of my different photoshoots.

I really like that for this paper I got to use a light studio for the first time. By the time I had my third photoshoot in the studio I feel like I was starting to understand how to position everything to get exactly what I had in mind portrayed in my photographs.

My first photoshoot (when I both projected onto my models and just photographed them normally) I had a light set up on both front sides of the models. Right at the end of this photoshoot I moved the light on the left back behind the model and I really loved how the light illuminated the edge of her body and contrasted the black backdrop. So for my second photoshoot I made sure to put an extra light back there right from the start. During this photoshoot I was just photographing my models normally (to use their bodies to create digital montages later) so this light didn't have that great of an effect. For my third and final photoshoot I was back to projecting onto my models so the room had to be very dark and the front light down quite low (in order to see what was being projected). The light backlighting the model combined with having no light source on the right-hand side made for  fantastic dramatic light in the photographs.

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