Friday 2 October 2015

Interim Critique

Artist References

Collage/Montage - Pierre Boucher

Projection - Marthe Sobczak

Stop Motion - Caroline McQuarrie

Work: Photographs

Work: Stop Motion Video

My projection set-up for interim critique.
I wanted to project down low on the wall to make my models (the subject of my photographs/video) feel small.


  • Just choose one idea (out of ozone hole - skin cancer or beauty photo manipulation - psychological disorders) as I'm trying to say too much in one image
  • Could print out an image of projection onto a person, then project onto it again and take a photo, then print out that photo and so on
  • Does it need music?
  • Consider how this work will be presented. What will it be projected on? Could it be interactive?
  • Images don't need the faces in them as it makes it too personal
  • Photos could be close ups of skin to make it more abstract
  • Projection could be more scientific. Diagrams, images of cancer cells etc
  • The physical projection onto the models works better than the photoshopped layers simulating projection as it feels more tangible
  • Consider what your model's poses are saying to the viewer
  • Look at the artists Jacqueline Fraser and Elad Lassry
  • The stop motion should be faster or slower, the speed currently feels undecided

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