Thursday 8 October 2015

Editing Images to Project

These images are all pictures of skin cancer, cancerous cells, or just cells, apart from one image which is an interesting roughcast wall texture which I think could represent extremely dry skin. They are all off of creative commons websites (as there is no way I could take images like these myself) so I am allowed to edit them and use them in my work. As I will be projecting them I have increased the brightness and saturation of most of them as a lot of this will be lost when projected.


Edited - Increased saturation, changed to hue to be slightly bluer


Edited - Increased the brightness, saturation, and contrast, changed the hue to be slightly bluer


Edited - Increased the contrast and saturation


Edited - Cropped, increased the brightness and saturation


Edited - Used the clone tool to get rid of the text, increased the brightness, saturation, and contrast


Edited - Used the clone tool to get rid of the text, increased the brightness and saturation


Edited - Used the clone tool to get rid of the pink dots, increased the brightness and saturation


Edited - Cropped, used the clone tool to get rid of some of the pink areas, increased the brightness


Edited - Desaturated, increased the brightness


Edited - Cropped, increased the brightness and saturation

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