Thursday 8 October 2015

More Artist References

Fong Qi Wei

"Mr Fong was inspired by the way that photographs can summon up a three-dimensional scene even though they only have two dimensions themselves.
So he started to think about how it would be possible to display time - sometimes called 'the fourth dimension' - using only a static 2D picture.
The basic structure of a landscape is present in every piece,' Mr Fong said. 'But each panel or concentric layer shows a different slice of time, which is related to the adjacent panel/layer.
'The transition from daytime to night is gradual and noticeable in every piece, but would not be something you expect to see in a still image.
'Similarly, our experience of a scene is more than a snapshot. We often remember a sequence of events rather than a still frame full of details.'"

Scott Hazard

"North Carolina-based artist Scott Hazard creates abstract images by tearing shapes into multiple prints of the same photograph, and then stacking the images on top of each other. He uses the technique to create things such as smoke, clouds, and portals in walls. He calls the project 'Photo Constructs'."

Davis Ayer

"In each shot, Davis masterfully blends projections with a woman's body, turning them into intriguing pieces of art. Stunningly beautiful and almost like tattoos."

Mads Perch

Lee Kirby

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