Wednesday 14 October 2015

Week 12 Critique With Shaun (Wednesday)

First Test Print

Shaun was having open hours on Wednesday afternoon so I went and got a final critique of my work from him. I really wanted to talk about whether my work was fitting the brief or not as I had played around making my series of images into digital montages, but I didn't like them and I wanted to keep them pared back to just photographs.

Shaun assured me that I had digitally manipulated my images enough to fulfil the brief and agreed with me that the images looked best by themselves, not with anything overlaid on top. He liked the size I printed them (10cm x 10cm) for my test print (just on Massey's laser printers). I told him about my specimen poster idea for presenting them and he liked it, but he wanted the poster to be A1 (rather than A3 or even A2) so that when it was up on the wall it had presence and commanded attention.

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